
Knowledge Transfer

Technology transfer, together with teaching and research, are the three basic activities of the university institutes. In this context, the Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering (IOC) offers its services and know-how to companies and institutions.

These services, in general, are materialised by means of the establishment of a collaboration agreement between university and companies for the realisation of a project of mutual interest. The IOC offers integral support to face the needs of companies and organizations, its expertise includes topics such as human resources management, supply chain management and logistics, industrial robotics or control systems. In all these fields the IOC offers services of high-level consultancy, advice, training, development of taylormade solutions, software development, research and analysis, systems modelling, etc.


The IOC offers to companies a wide range of services: advice and development in research and technological innovation, as well as training for companies by means of standard or specialized courses in the fields of control, automation, robotics and industrial engineering and logistics.

For the provision of these services, the IOC places at the disposal of the companies, in addition to its human potential, the resources it has available, including its electronics and control, logistics and robotics laboratories, its Computing Centre and its library, one of the most important in the country in its range of subjects.

  • Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI)
  • Ajuntament de Sant Boi de Llobregat
  • Aplicacions Elèctriques, S.A.
  • BICC General Cable, S.A.
  • Caprabo, S.A.
  • Cimade, S.L.
  • Cinesa
  • Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Comunitat Econòmica Europea
  • Conselleria d'Educació i Cultura del Govern d'Andorra
  • COOB ‘92
  • Esteve Química, S.A.
  • Gallina Blanca Purina, S.A.
  • Gasolineras del Mediterráneo, S.A.
  • Hewlett Packard España, S.A.
  • Hormigones Uniland, S.A.
  • Institut Català de les Dones
  • Instituto de la Mujer
  • Lear Corporation
  • Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
  • R.J. Simpson Internacional, S.L.
  • Pirelli Neumáticos, S.A.
  • Polits Catalunya
  • Port Autònom de Barcelona
  • Productos Solrac, S.A.
  • Salicrú, S.A.
  • Sener, Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A.
  • Stäubli
  • Valoris

  • Reorganization of time in a warehouse.
  • Waiting time to buy tickets at a cinema box office and to buy products from the cinema bar, independently.
  • Optimization of production planning and delivery tracking.
  • Design an equal opportunity plan for an organization's access, promotion, and working conditions.
  • Diagnosis of equal opportunities for women in public universities.
  • Elaboration of two guides for the design and implementation of an equal opportunities plan for companies and town councils.
  • Development of DSP control of a prototype engine system of a hybrid vehicle.
  • Design and control of reversible static converter of high power DC-CD conversion and high performance in the field of automotive.
  • Design and control of static converter with inverter (DC-AC conversion) and rectifier (AC-DC conversion) functionalities in the field of automotive.
  • Design and development of a controller for the inversion stage of a three-phase UPS that feeds nonlinear loads.
  • Selective compensator for nonlinear loads, imbalances and reactive power.
  • Digital control of an energy saving system in public lighting.
  • Optimizing the regeneration of electricity in a metropolitan transportation system.
  • Design and development of a computer package for optimizing trade routes.

R+D+i Programs

The Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering (IOC) carries out research activities, innovation and technology transfer in the fields of Robotics, Control and Industrial Engineering and Logistics.

In these fields, the IOC participates in national and European programmes of Research and Development, and in programmes of promotion of the technological innovation in companies (R+D+i).

National organisms with funding options