
Course: Foundations of robotics


The following course presenting an introduction to robotics and perception and an intensive full day on ROS is offered by the 5GSmartFact project (
Ten seats are opened for Doctoral Students from outside the consortium with free registration, thus, if you are interested please register using the link provided below. Registration order will be considered in case of more than ten candidates. 


13 - 14 July 2022


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Av. Diagonal 647 (ETSEIB), Barcelona, Spain


  1. Introduction to robòtics 2,5 h
  2. Perception 2,5 h
  3. Robot Operating System – ROS theory 3 h
  4. Robot Operating System – ROS practice on computers   3 h


The course is mainly oriented to the ESRs of the 5GSMARTFACT project without background on robotics, perception and ROS. 
10 seats will be opened for doctoral students outside the 5GSMARTFACT project under a first-come-first serve basis.


Prof. Jan Rosell

Affiliation: UPC 
Biography: Jan Rosell received the BS degree in Telecomunication Engineering and the PhD degree in Advanced Automation and Robotics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 1989 and 1998, respectively. He joined the Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering (IOC) in 1992 where he has developed research activities in robotics. He has been involved in teaching activities in Automatic Control and Robotics as Assistant Professor since 1996 and as Associate Professor since 2001. His current technical areas include task and motion planning, mobile manipulation, and robot co-workers.

Dr. Michael Suppa

Affiliation: ROBOCEPTION GmbH and University of Bremen 
Biography: Dr. Michael Suppa is the co-founder and CEO of Roboception GmbH, a Munich-based start-up company providing comprehensive 3D perception solutions for robotic applications. Michael received his Master’s Degree in 2000 and his Doctoral Degree in 2007 from the University of Hannover, Germany. From 2000 until 2009, he was employed as a project manager and researcher at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). In 2009, he was appointed Head of the Perception and Cognition Department at the same institute, and in 2014 he was additionally nominated Deputy Institute Director. In 2015, Michael co-founded Roboception, a DLR spin-off company. Michael is key research topic is perception-driven appliedAI. He has been the PI in several European and national projects and was nominated for and received several best paper awards. He is a professor at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of the University of Bremen.


The attendees will receive a certificate of the attendance issued by the organizers describing the contents of the course. 

No registration fees will be charged, including coffee-breaks and lunches.