Pickit 3D: Taking 3D robot vision from the lab to the factory floor.

Dec 11, 2023

Pickit is a 3D vision solution for industrial automation. In this talk, we will discuss the different problems that we have addressed over the years to "make robot vision easy", a path that started from academic results and is now pushing the boundary of what's possible in industry.
The talk will include an interactive session where you can see 3D vision at work, as well as an open-ended Q&A session.


Adolfo Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian is a senior roboticist at Pickit. He holds a Ph.D. in robotics from the Institute of Industrial and Control Engineering, IOC (Barcelona, Spain), and has previously worked in humanoid robots at Pal Robotics (Barcelona, Spain), and in Google's Project Tango (now ARCore) at Intermodalics (remote). His professional interests revolve around 3D geometry, robotics software, and great user experience.


Date: Tuesday, December 19th, 12.00 h
Place: Sala Seminari del IOC, edifici ETSEIB, Diagonal 647 planta 11.