Seminar: Robotic re-&demanufacturing in an industry 4.0 for a circular economy

Jul 12, 2024

I would like to invite you to a seminar we have organized and that will take place next Tuesday, 16th of July at 10h. Here you have the title and abstract for the seminar. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Prof. Jef Peeters is an assistant professor at KU Leuven and co-chair of the Lifecycle Engineering research group at the Department of Mechanical Engineering and is responsible for the Re- and Demanufacturing Lab. His applied research focuses on (eco)design and rework, reuse, repair, remanufacturing, and recycling and targets the development of innovative products and processes for a circular economy. In addition, he has hands-on experience integrating robotics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence to the robotic disassembly of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment and EV batteries.

To accelerate the transition towards a circular economy, the successful integration of industry 4.0 technologies will be crucial to increase the economic viability of rework, reuse, repair, remanufacturing, and recycling. Since these end-of-(first)-life treatment processes typically need to deal with a huge variation in product models and conditions, various opportunities were identified for the development of smarter products, as well as systems adopting and integrating various learning approaches for computer vision-driven human-robot cooperative re- and demanufacturing processes.