Bautista Valhondo, Joaquín
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Joaquín Bautista-Valhondo is an Industrial Engineer (1983) specializing in Energy Techniques and a Doctor of Industrial Engineering (1993) from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) with an extraordinary doctorate award in Industrial Engineering (1995). In 1984 he obtained a pre-doctoral fellowship from the French Atomic Energy Commissioner (CEA), carrying out a research stay at the Division for the exploitation of prototype and experimental reactors of the Center for Nuclear Studies in Grenoble. He has been a University Professor since 2002 in the area of Business Organization, exercising his teaching work in various subjects related to Industrial Engineering at the Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering of the UPC. He has been an affiliate researcher of the European Center for Soft Computing (2007) as well as Academic Director of the Nissan Motor Iberian Chair of Automotive Innovation at the UPC (2005). He has participated as a member of advisory committees in commissions and university quality agencies linked to the autonomous and central governments of Spain. Since 2017, he has been Principal Editor of the journal Dirección y Organización, and Full Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors in the Technological Sciences Section since 2014.
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Institut d'Organització i Control de Sistemes Industrials
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC)
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