Olivella Nadal, Jordi
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Graduate in Economic Sciences, Insurance Actuary and PhD in Business Administration. Until 1994 he worked in the insurance industry as a life actuary. He is an Associate professor at the Castelldefels Technical School, where he coordinates the activity of the management department. He participates in post-graduate programs and in technology transferee in the area of work organization. His research is in the field of work planning and programming and in the organization practices of high performance organizations. He has worked in the field of work planning and scheduling with flexibility clauses, analyzing the flexibility clauses and establishing timetables. Currently working on the implications for job performance and planning processes of learning and forgetting, in establishing optimal learning paths and in the definition of plans to obtain and maintain cross-training. He also works in the analysis of work organization practices of high performance organizations.
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Institut d'Organització i Control de Sistemes Industrials
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC)
Diagonal, 647, planta 11 (Edifici ETSEIB)
08028 Barcelona