2005 papers
Conference and journal papers published in 2005
L. Basañez and J. Rosell, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine (ISSN 1070-9932), Volume 12, Issue 3, Sept. 2005 Page(s):35 - 43.
R. Suárez and J. Rosell, ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING (ISSN: 0736-5845), Vol. 21, Issue 3, June 2005.
J. Rosell, L. Basañez and R. Suárez, ADVANCED ROBOTICS (ISSN:0169-1864), Special issue on “Compliant Motion: Modeling, Planning and Control”, vol 19 (5), pp. 567-590, June 2005.
J. Rosell and P. Iñiguez, Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation - ICRA 2005, (ISBN: 0-7803-8915-8), Barcelona, Spain, April 2005, 1815-1820. Best Paper Award Finalist
J. Rosell, Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation - ICRA 2005. (ISBN: 0-7803-8915-8), Barcelona, Spain, April 2005, 2154-2159.
J. Rosell, X. Sierra, L. Palomo and R. Suárez; Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation - ICRA 2005, (ISBN: 0-7803-8915-8), Barcelona, Spain, April 2005, pp 1190-1195.
J. Rosell and I. Vazquez, Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation - ICRA 2005, (ISBN: 0-7803-8915-8), Barcelona, Spain, April 2005, 4223-4228.
P. Iñiguez and J. Rosell; Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning - ISATP 2005, (ISBN: 0-7803-9080-6), Montreal, Canada, July 2005.
J. Rosell and M. Heise; Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning - ISATP 2005, (ISBN: 0-7803-9080-6), Montreal, Canada, July 2005.
I. Vazquez and J. Rosell; Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning - ISATP 2005, (ISBN: 0-7803-9080-6), Montreal, Canada, July 2005.